How to download instagram video using python

 How to download instagram video using python

Pre Requirements :
  • Requests
  • Beatifulsoup4
Source code :
import os
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
URL = input('enter url:/>')
page = requests.get(URL)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html.parser')
link =  soup.find('meta',property='og:video:secure_url')
final = link.get('content')
chunk_size = 80500
r = requests.get(final,stream=True)
with open('title.mp4','wb') as f:
        for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size):

Thank you for read my post..!.Have a great day :)


Text to Voice convert using Python

 Text to Voice convert using Python

Pre Requirements:
pip install gTTS 

Full Soure code: 

from gtts import gTTS 

import os

yout_text = 'Hey this my own assistant'

language = 'en'

final = gTTS(text=your_text, lang=language, slow=False)"first.mp3") 

os.system("vlc first.mp3") 

Thank you for reading my blog ! 



first django project

        First django project

In this tutorial ,  i will explore about "How to create new django first project" . After read this blog you would clear. Then conform you will learn something new

Step 1:

 Install python on your system.

Step 2:

Install pip

Step 3:

Install virtual environment

Step 4:

Step 5:

django-admin startproject <projectname>


django-admin startproject mysite

Step 6:

cd mysite

Step 7:

python runserver

Step 8:

Project run successfully

Thank you for read this tutorial!!


How to install django package

        Django Installation

    In this i will teach about "How to install Django package in your system". After watch this blog you learn something.

Step 1 :

    Install python software in your system 
follow this steps  

Step 2 :
Now install virtual environment in your system   
follow this steps 

Step 3 :

Now install django package in your virtual environment

   pip install django

Thank you for read this blog !!.
If you any doubts contact me on social links 

How to Run Flutter APP without Emulator and USB Debugging method

How to Run Flutter APP in Browser without Emulator and USB Debugging method 

  • In this tutorial i will demonstrate " How to Run Flutter APP in Browser without Emulator and USB Debugging method ".
  •  Most of them think must need android emulator for debug your flutter app and some people think must need android mobile for debug your flutter app
  •  If you don't have android emulator or mobile phone, You will never run(DEBUG) my flutter app 
  • The above statement is totally false. 
  • Because i will find a new method for debug your Flutter apps like you can use only the chrome browser you can easily debug it or run it . In this method very fast
  • Hot reload  is available for in this method. It takes for hot reload time maximum 0.5 ms 

Interesting one

   This method work on very useful for low configuration system like low RAM and Normal Processor system

Installation guide

Step 1 : 

   you can Download flutter SDK
Download link : 
git clone -b stable

Step 2 :

   Extract the Flutter download file 

Step 3 :

   setup your flutter path
export PATH="$PATH:`pwd`/flutter/bin"
Replace pwd to your flutter location  like 

export PATH="$PATH: /home/flutter/bin"

Step 4 :
flutter upgrade
Step 5 :
flutter channel master
Step 6 :
flutter config --enable-web
Step 7 :
flutter devices
Step 8 :
flutter create myapp
You can give any name flutter app name like

 flutter create <anyname>

Step 9 :
cd myapp
Change you directory into your flutter app

Step 10 :
flutter run -d web-server
Step 11 :

Finally you can copy that link the paste your chrome browser

Output of the project 

  • I hope guys you would enjoyed this tutorial
  • If you have any doubts please comment or contact me on social link


How to install and setup Virtual Environment

  How to install  and setup Virtual Environment



   In this video we are discuss about " How to install Virtual Environment " Linux and Windows . 
  Virtual Environment is one the best feature in python. It is create virtual hard storage in your system
Pre requirement
python (Installation tutorial)
pip (Installation tutorial)
Installation Guide
pip install virtualenv


pip3 install virtualenv

Create Virtual Environment
virutualenv <anyname>

Activate Virtual Environment
source anyname/bin/activate 

Installation Guides are same
Create new virtual environment is same
Activate step 
In windows platform
I hope guys you enjoyed to watch this tutorial 
If you have any doubts please ping me or just put the comment section
Thank you !!!!


How to install wine in Ubuntu

      Install wine in Ubuntu 19.10



    In this tutorial we are discuss about "How to install wine tool in Ubuntu 19.10" . Mainly you can run on low level windows ( .exe ) software in Linux using this tool . This tool widely recommended one.


  This tool easy to install any Linux systems.


Disclaimer : Don't use heavy software  


Pre requirements

  • Ubuntu 19.10



Installation guide  


sudo apt-get install wine-development





  •    I hope you enjoyed in this tutorial.

  •    Otherwise have any error just comment it or contact socials media.



How to Install python pip

 How to Install pip

   In this tutorial we are discuss about "How to install PIP ".
   PIP is used for download a python packages for a  very simple way.
   Most of the developers or programmers create a own python packages and then published for free. You can access from any where. 
   Example packages for you understanding purpose .Tensorflow , Keras, Numpy, pandas  
Pre requirements 
  • python2
  • python3
Python installation tutorials
Installation Guide
Step 1 :
curl -o

Step 2 :
 Then you go to the your download directory. 


 Step 3 :
 check the command pip and pip3 work or not
   I hope you enjoyed this tutorial .
   If you have any doubts ping me on comment section or social media 


How to install Python in Linux

            How to install Python in Linux
 In this tutorial we are discuss about "how to install python in Linux".
Python Overview:
    Python is the one of programming language. Python is very familiar . Python very simple and human readable language. Everyone can easy to learn.
    Python have two major classification. One is Python 2XX and second one is Python 3XX.
    Python3 is the current most of them use to our project and companies and etc,..
Installation Guide: 

sudo apt-get install python

sudo apt-get install python3

    Thank you for visiting my blogger. If you have any doubt and face any problem on installation time just contact me social media on directly. 
    I hope you would enjoyed this tutorial !!!

